2024 MCYSA Summer International Tournament
Schedule of Events
Session #1
Friday, July 12: Opening Day
- Games begin at 9:00 AM for all age groups
- Opening Ceremonies- All Ages. 7:00 PM at Lippold- Mickey Sund Complex
- Parade of teams, anthems and dignitaries
- Celebration of Puerto Rico Maceteros’ 40th Anniversary
- Recognition of Justin Schroeder Scholarship Winners and President’s Award
- 15U Feature Games: 8:00 PM
Saturday, July 13:
- Games begin at 9:00 AM for all age groups
Sunday, July 14:
- 8U and 11U Championships
- Armed Forces Night, 7PM, Mickey Sund Complex, followed by 15U Feature Games
Monday, July 15:
- 13U and 15U Championship Games
Session #2
Thursday, July 18: Opening Day
- Games begin at 9:00AM for 13U and 15U age divisions
- Opening Ceremonies - All Ages. 7 PM at Lippold-Mickey Sund Complex
- Introductions of teams & anthems
- Recognition of Hall of Fame Inductees
- 15U Feature Games: 8:00 PM
- 9:00 Stretch- Fireworks!
Friday, July 19:
- Games begin at 9:00 AM for all age groups
- Woodstock Feature Game, 11:30 Dream Field, Emricson Park
Saturday, July 20:
- Games begin at 9:00 AM for all age groups
- First Responders Exhibition Softball Game- 5:30PM Lippold- Mickey Sund Complex
- Crystal Lake Strikers Perform- 6:45PM Lippold- Mickey Sund Complex, followed by
15U Feature Games
Sunday, July 21:
- Championship Games, all divisions